3 Psoriasis Pictures Utilizing Natural Treatment
I am happy to share some pictures showing our daughter Kayla’s progress with her psoriasis. We have been treating her psoriasis with natural treatments, many that I have written about on this blog in other articles. Psoriasis Pictures Over 3 Months Kayla’s body has been healing with natural treatments. We have a protocol we follow […]
Top 10 Natural Ways To Cure Psoriasis
If you suffer from psoriasis, than you are probably like myself and my daughter, always looking for another way to treat this miserable disease. The fact is that the medical community does not really have much to offer in the way of treatment. You can only use topical cortisone treatment for a period of time, […]
5 Reasons You Need Probiotics
What Are Probiotics? Probiotics are a good form of bacteria that have been proven to provide health benefits to you and can help with several health issues. We have trillions of bacteria, good and bad, that are in our intestines. Probiotics help to keep the bad ones down thus keeping you healthy. This is important […]