Spinal Stenosis May Be Causing Your Low Back Pain? Chiropractic Care Can Help!
What is spinal stenosis? -a narrowing of the spinal canal-may result in low back pain, limping, a loss of feeling in the legs-caused due to degeneration in the spine-may exist for years before causing pain and symptoms Can you get better if diagnosed with spinal stenosis? -stenosis cannot be cured, but can be improved and […]
4 Tips for Preventing Back Pain – Results Equal Better Health!
4 Tips for preventing back pain: -Exercise often and keep your back muscles strong.-Maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if you weigh too much. To have strong bones, you need to get enough calcium and vitamin D every day.-Try to stand up straight and avoid heavy lifting when you can. If you do lift […]
Grand Junction Chiropractor Thinks Healthy
In order to get healthy, you must think healthy! What does this mean? Well it has been proven over and over again that what you think will be. Therefore if you have thoughts of being healthy, vibrant, energetic, happy, pain-free, ect., that is half of the battle. “The wish for healing has always been half […]
How Can You Naturally Restore Your Body’s Function? Visit a Chiropractor!
Chiropractor vs. Medical Doctor
What is the education of a chiropractor? This is a question that we are often asked as chiropractors. Many do not consider us doctors, when in fact we are a doctor of chiropractic after completing our education. Many want to know how our education as a chiropractor compares to that of a medical doctor or […]
Headaches You Get After A Car Accident
Are your suffering from frequent headaches following a car accident? If you are, this is a very common complaint following an accident especially with a whiplash injury. Did you know that injury and whiplash occurs even in minor car accidents? Just because your car was not damaged does not mean that you were not. X-rays […]
Filter Shower Water For Better Health And For Psoriasis Relief
Last week I wrote regarding Kayla and her allergic reaction to coconut oil, an ingredient in her probiotic. We discontinued her probiotic and started one that did not contain coconut oil. I am happy to say that within 24 hours her rash stopped spreading. Within 48 hours, her rash was no longer bright red and […]