Easy Psoas Stretch
Easy Psoas Stretch Dysfunction of the Psoas Muscle often causes low back and hip pain that just won’t go away no matter what you try. Over the years of seeing patients in our office, we have found that many do not know how to stretch the Psoas muscle. Additionally, if one of the Psoas muscles […]
Fix Low Back Pain at Home
Would you like to know one simple exercise you can be doing at home to fix your low back pain? You can gently readjust your pelvis and reduce low back muscle tightness and pain with this simple fix. This is a great addition to stretches you are already doing, and is gentle enough to perform […]
Two Easy Stretches for Iliopsoas Syndrome! Relieve Low Back and Hip Pain.
Do you struggle with chronic low back pain? Does the pain travel to your hip, upper leg or knee? Have you tried everything and it’s not getting better? It may be Iliopsoas syndrome. What is iliopsoas syndrome? Iliopsoas syndrome is a common condition, especially among athletes who perform a lot of repeated hip flexion movements. […]
Thigh Burning/Tingling/Numbness Sensation? Try This at Home!
Are you experiencing thigh pain, burning, numbness, or tingling? Do you just wish they would go away? You may be experiencing meralgia paresthetica – a condition caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve or adhesions around this nerve causing entrapment. If you are experiencing “pocket pain” on the upper lateral part of your […]
Pelvic Pain? Try this at Home to Restore Normal Pelvic Motion
Are you experiencing pelvic pain? Your pelvis may be rotated due to the mechanics of daily living (i.e sitting to much)! This leads to pain and discomfort in the pelvic bowl due to muscle spasm in muscles such as the Psoas/iliacus and quadratus lumborum. Dr. Wil demonstrates a technique you can do at home as […]
You Care For Your Teeth Daily? What About Your Spine?

Why Regular Chiropractic Care for your Spine is as Important as Regular Dental Care for your Teeth! Just like you visit a dentist every 6 months, and brush and floss daily for healthy teeth; your spine also requires regular maintenance to stay healthy. I’m almost certain that if your spine was visible on the outside like […]
3 Causes for Headaches in Children and How To Get Relief Without Medicine

Headaches in children are becoming more common and there are many possible causes; I am going to discuss 3 of the more common causes and how to get relief without medicine. Three of the top causes for headaches in children today include: Inadequate rest Poor posture Emotional or mental stress What is the Most Common […]
Coconut Oil Uses: Three Tips for How to Use Coconut Oil at Home

There are numerous coconut oil uses besides for as a cooking oil. Coconut oil is becoming an absolute favorite and new uses for coconut oil are being discovered all the time. The natural health benefits coconut oil provides is one of the many reasons it has become so popular. In this video, I share 3 […]
How Often Should I Lift Weights? Important Tips Included!
How often should I lift weights? This is a very common health question and one we get almost daily. In all honesty, everyone should exercise using both cardio training and weightlifting. The frequency is highly dependent on your fitness level. Each offers benefits to support your overall health. One is not necessarily better than the […]
Is It Bad to Crack Your Knuckles? Benefits & Risks
Is it bad to crack your knuckles? Are there benefits or risks to cracking your knuckles? Can you get arthritis from cracking your knuckles? Is what your mother told you true or just a myth? The answers may surprise you. Is it Bad to Crack your Knuckles? Watch this video to find out: Cracking your […]