Do you want to get slim by regularly consuming six of the top best weight loss foods? These superfoods are healthy and naturally rev up your metabolism turning your body into a fat burning machine.
Let’s get honest! It is no fun to be on a diet. However, many of us still would like to lose a few pounds to increase our energy, feel healthier, and be happier with our appearance.
What Are The Six Best Weight Loss Foods?
- Dark Chocolate – Exciting, right? Studies show consuming 1 1/2 ounces a day decreases the stress hormone cortisol and that this moderate daily amount will make you slim.
- Nuts – A rich source of multiple nutrients, this weight loss food decreases your cardiovascular disease risk and allows you to feel fuller for longer according to research studies. It is important that your daily serving size not exceed 1 1/2 ounces.
- All Peppers – Contain a natural metabolism booster to get slim, capsaicin. Capsaicin offers many health benefits due to it’s many natural anti-inflammatory effects in the body.
- Sesame Seeds – An easy, inexpensive weight loss food that packs a healthy punch! Sesame seeds are anti-inflammatory, a good protein source, offer healthy skin benefits, and support bone health and longevity in addition to aiding in weight loss.
- Eggs – A complete protein that boosts energy, builds muscle, burns fat, and aids in weight loss. The International Journal of Obesity found that a daily two egg breakfast results in a 65% more weight loss versus consuming one bagel a day. Eggs provide satiety, less calories, and increased protein averaging 6 grams per egg.
- Whey Protein Smoothies – Whey protein triggers the satiety hormone cholecystokinin so that you feel fuller for longer and stay slim. Additional benefits include increased muscle mass equaling an increased metabolism.
Another Tip for Staying Slim and Healthy
Did you know that drinking just 2 glasses of water each morning before breakfast results in an average weight loss of 6.6 pounds a year? We recommend drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day for better health and an increased metabolic rate making it one of the best weight loss foods available.

Wil & Kirsten Liwanag, D.C.
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